(CVI) and we can help. At Healthier Pet Veterinary Care, our USDA-accredited veterinarian, Dr. Pablo Etchemendy, will help guide you through the complicated process of obtaining a travel health certificate for your pet.
CVI may be required to transport animals from one area to another or for animals to
participate in certain events, such as specific shows. These pre-entry requirements help to ensure that the animals being moved do not carry illnesses or parasites that would be harmful to the people or animals that are in the destination area or that are participating in the same event.
In addition to meeting various physical health criteria and depending on the species, age, origin, destination, and purpose of travel, the animals to be moved may need to have certain tests, treatments, vaccinations, or other procedures done before they qualify for inclusion on a CVI. The process may vary from simple to complex depending on the requirements of the destination. Please plan ahead and contact our veterinarian to find out about requirements for a CVI for your pet.
You may also want to contact the airline if traveling by air to find out what their requirements are for pets that are traveling. Requirements will vary depending on the size of your pet, the time of year you are traveling, and whether you plan to take the pet with you inside the main cabin or in the cargo bay.
For international travel, it is crucial that you contact the embassy or consulate of the country you are traveling to for that specific country’s requirements for pets entering into their territory. Some countries require lengthy tests and waiting periods before a health certificate can be issued. Failing to do so may require your pet to have to be quarantined for days to months when they arrive at their final destination.
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