Spay (traditional and ovarian sparing spay)
What is spaying? Spaying is a procedure of sterilization for female dogs and cats. In this case, a female pet's ovaries and uterus are removed. It's called Ovariohysterectomy.
What is neutering? Neutering is the de-sexing procedure of male dogs or cats where their testicles (or gonads) are removed. The actual removal of a male pet's testicles is called Castration.
Ovary Sparing Spay
Cryptorchid neuters (inguinal and abdominal)
Bladder Stones
Cutaneous mass removals
Abdominal mass removal
Liver Biopsy
Hooded Vulva
Emergency wound repair
Cherry eye
Eyelid mass
Grid keratotomy for corneal ulcers
Eyelid trauma repair
Tooth extractions
Gingival mass
Tongue mass
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